This is the story of the DOC Moment. The DOC Moment is that moment in any crush when you go from thinking "Love love love crush crush love love" to "Jesus Christ on a Tricycle What Did I Ever See in You?" I was originally planning on titling this story "The DOC Moment: A Parable," but I was informed that parables are made up. This, I am saddened to say, is all too true. Of course, I need not mention that I have changed the names to protect the
Our story begins when our intrepid hero decided to go out to a local bar to attract a mate.
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I believe the message here is "Don't Drop the Soap" |
Now not all the stereotypes about gay bars are true. For example, unlike what you may hear, the drinks are actually too strong too weak reasonably priced technically alcoholic and the bartenders are truly masters of the craft lifetime professionals shirtless. Anyway, I'd never actually been to a gay bar before, but I put on my hottest pair of jeans, a rockin' shirt, and went on my merry way. Anyway, all and all, the night was a success. I had some drinks and chatted with a few guys. And I met the central figure in this story...Super Cute Bartender.
There's not much to say about SCB. Now I'll be honest, he was cute. That's really all he had going for him. And to this day I will maintain that he was just trying to get a better tip flirting with me. But yes, he was nice, we chatted a bit, and I thought we hit it off. So over the next couple months, I would go by the bar* and if he was there, we would continue to chat. And I would think to myself "Hey, maybe there's something here."
*Technically, I was going to the bar to interact with people. But let's not delude ourselves. I would sometimes go just because SCB was working there. This, cats and kittens, is called "desperation." Or "stalking," depending on how nice you are being. Don't do it.
*Technically, I was going to the bar to interact with people. But let's not delude ourselves. I would sometimes go just because SCB was working there. This, cats and kittens, is called "desperation." Or "stalking," depending on how nice you are being. Don't do it.
Yes. Looking back on it, I was probably deluding myself. Anyway, so after a few weeks of said flirting/tipping, I decided to just cut the crap and tell SCB what I felt. The following was my itinerary (I'm not making this up...I actually posted this publicly at one time)
Medication and nap so feeling good: Check
Homework done so nothing left to do tonight: Check
Look at my ass jeans: Check
Homework done so nothing left to do tonight: Check
Look at my ass jeans: Check
Anyway, so it turned out SCB was dating someone else, he was flattered, blah blah blah. That should have been the end of it, but nooooooooo. I continued to talk/flirt/tip and do the entire amusing self-delusion thing when you're like "Well, maybe if I'm just awesome enough, they'll break up and start to date me."
Ok, before we continue, let me go on a little tangent here. Said thoughts should never enter your head. If they do, banish them immediately, using tequila if necessary. You really don't want someone to break up to be with you. It always ends badly for everybody. And you never know if they got crabs from their previous SO.
Back to the story at hand. I continued to harbor feelings for SCB. For an ENTIRE YEAR. Yes you read that right. A year of one-sided unrequited love with someone with the personality of a garden hose. Perhaps I was feeling masochistic. Perhaps I was in love with the idea of being in love. Or maybe I was just trying to delude myself into thinking there was something more than just free drinks (yes, I got a lot of free drinks...I tip well)
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Charlotte York, eat your heart out |
I maintain it wasn't an all-consuming crush, but I'm sure there are others who would differ on this point (feel free to comment). But this crush came to a crashing halt one summer day, when I brought along my intrepid friend Daisy to the bar with me "just to get a drink and totally not to merely flirt with the bartender" (she didn't buy it). The conversation took place in August, 2008, or right around the time Obama was going to officially be nominated for President and we were introduced to The Mama Grizzly herself.
The conversation went something like this:
Me: "So how are things going."
SCB: "Blah blah blah nothing interesting going on here I don't have two brain cells to rub together."
What I heard: "I am so cool. Cool cool cool."
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One of them has no soul and the other has the personality of an eggplant. But which one is which? |
Apparently, my brain functions on the same wavelength as Bella Swan, turning the most boring things into the most amazing things merely because the speaker's eyes smolder or something. Although to be honest, SCB wasn't sneaking into my room to watch me sleep. I hope. Because that's not sexy. That's just creepy. And if someone tells me I'm their personal brand of heroin, I may cut them in preemptive self defense (which is legal in 48 states and Canada)*
*No it's not. The above statement does not constitute true legal advice.
Me: "So...are you going to be watching the Convention at all?" (Recall the time period which I said was important.)
SCB: "Yeah. It's the what...the D.O.C.?"
Me, under my breath: "The DNC...Dumbass"
Now according to Daisy, the "under the breath" was rather loud and rather pointed (except for the "dumbass." That I managed to somehow keep silent) I finished my drink and decided it was time to go. He really was that dumb. He really was all the things my friends had told me. And I had finally come to terms with the fact that I was in love with someone who didn't know the most important political event of the summer from a 40-year old rapper. I would not play the Bella Swan to SCB's Edward, no matter how nice his abs were. My brain couldn't take it. My infatuation was over.
So if you or your friends are in an the midst of unrequited love, let this be a lesson to you. Trying to talk them out of it will do as much good as telling preteens that Edward Cullen is not an ideal boyfriend. Instead, support them and just patiently wait for the DOC moment. It may take an entire year but it will come. And then they'll move on. And deny they were ever really infatuated in the first place.
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